Why your life doesn’t need balance, it needs a purpose.

Cruz Coaching
Cruz Coaching Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2023


Life is often seen as a balancing act. We strive to find equilibrium, but this can be an elusive goal. While balance can help structure our lives, it is only sometimes necessary for achieving our goals and forging meaningful connections. Instead of reaching a perfect balance, focusing on purpose and direction is essential.

A sense of purpose is the key to finding fulfillment and happiness. It gives us something we can strive towards and work towards accomplishing. It helps us stay motivated and focused even when things get challenging. With purpose, we can take risks without fear because we know that it will bring us closer to our end goal. Without meaning, life can feel aimless, leaving us lost and confused about what direction to take next.

Purpose also allows us to use our time more efficiently since we’re no longer wasting energy trying to achieve balance in all aspects of life. We have clarity on what matters most so we can put more energy into those most critical activities and progress toward achieving our ultimate goals faster than if we were trying to achieve balance across all fronts.

Additionally, having a sense of purpose keeps us moving forward and helps prevent stagnation in life. When there is a clear path ahead, it’s easier for us to stay focused no matter how arduous the journey may be or how long it may take before reaching the desired outcome. Purpose helps give meaning to every decision and action taken so that everything has a tangible impact on the goals pursued.

Discovering new interests or hobbies that bring joy is an invaluable experience no matter where on the journey one finds themselves at any given moment in time. These unexpected opportunities often leave lasting impressions well beyond their original intended destination! Finally, pursuing purpose instead of balance leads individuals down paths they may not have chosen or explored without knowing their true passion and ambition for life’s journey ahead.

Ultimately, while the balance can help with organization and structure within life’s everyday routines, having a clear sense of mission and purpose is needed when seeking out true passion, ambition, and satisfaction from one’s actions throughout their life journey. Life doesn’t require balance; it needs direction — one that comes from embracing individual passions and unique experiences along the way!



Cruz Coaching
Cruz Coaching Blog

Founder of Cruz Coaching • Youth Soccer Coach • Soccer Skills Development Specialist • 12 yrs Coaching Experience • Social Influencer with over 150k fan base.